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..Experiments of Physics

Experiment 1: MOTION
Through this experiment, students are expected to:
1. Definition to distinguish between the speed, displacement and velocity.
2. Determining the average speed and average velocity of a moving object.
        The concept of speed and speed is sometimes considered the same in many cases the motion. Basically, the rate defined as the ratio between the total distance of time needed:

Speed= total distance/total time
The SI unit for speed is meters per second.
The concept is similar to the concept of speed, but different rate because of the speed of the movement included. In order to understand this concept, first introduced the concept of displacement. View of a coordinate system by choosing a reference point on a line to the origin 0. For every other point on the line set a number x which shows how far that point from the origin 0. The value x depends on the selected unit to measure distance. Sign x depends on the relative positions of the origin 0. The agreement is usually selected points on the right points of origin were given positive values and the dots on the left were given negative signs. 
Untuk lebih lengkapnya download disini: http://www.mediafire.com/view/?g7q8597ggea2fg4

Experiment 2: FORCE BALANCE
           Through this experiment, students are expected to:
a.    Investigate the conditions of static equilibrium in the system two-arm lever
b.   Determining the moment of lever-style two-arm system based on the principle of equilibrium.
           There are two conditions that must be met by an object to achieve static equilibrium. The first object should be in translational equilibrium, which means that the vector resultant of all forces acting on the body should be equal to zero. Other conditions are the rotation should be in equilibrium, which means that the number of torque-clockwise around its rotation axis must be equal to the amount of torque is counterclockwise around the axis of rotation. Torque defined as the effect of rotation around the axis of rotation by the result of several forces. Perpendicular distance from the center of rotation of the lines of force is called arm-style action. Torque defined as:
Torque = force x arm style
The effect of rotation of a body is sometimes associated with the center of gravity is defined as a single force upward which can balance the gravitational attraction of all the objects for a variety of positions.
Untuk lebih lengkapnya download disini: http://www.mediafire.com/view/?4eg5jocer36989z

          Through this experiment, students are expected to:
1. Understanding the concept of static friction and kinetic.
2. Determining the coefficient of static and kinetic friction on the incline.
     In discussing the friction between the surface of two bodies, necessary to distinguish between static friction and kinetic friction. Kinetic friction force is the force of nature by an object that has moved in the field with the direction opposite the direction of motion of objects. While still in the silent condition, known as static friction which is the smallest force needed to start moving object. 
Untuk lebih lengkapnya download disini: http://www.mediafire.com/view/?anjauhlbgjxjj0c

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